The ideation was initiated by using the brainstorming method crazy 8 where 40 ideas were generated. These where then discussed and the most promising ones were developed as wireframes in Figma for further evaluation.

The selected ideas were refined to align with Svalna's colour and design language, with consideration given to the number of graphs displayed at once. During the benchmarking we found that when displaying more than one data element it was common to organise them as a dashboard. This layout felt relevant for this project as we wanted to include a high density of data but still offer a clear overview. The next step was therefore to combine various elements and experiment with different graphs, layouts, and configurations.

User testing
User tests were conducted with people handling sustainability issues at companies and organisations, one interaction designer, interaction design students, and our supervisors at Chalmers and Svalna. During the tests the different frames where shown where smaller interactions were done visualising how the different graphs were connected. Areas they brought up that were improved in the last refinement were enhancing histogram readability, remove redundant elements, change filter placements, and visualise an energy declaration.
Final design